Monday, September 2, 2024

Mental Health and going to church.

           Going to Church.

Going to church is important for me when I read the Bible. There are things in the Bible that make me go a bit cray cray if I don't go to church as well to sort my thoughts out and get a better perspective on. 
Being with the body of believers is a part of being a Christian. We need that community that sense of belonging to a group of people. 
I do have to say, be careful what body of believers you choose to hang around there are some toxic groups out there. They are not even believers they just believe in themselves and try to only do what is best for themselves. That leads to people not giving a dam when you fall and break your leg. Toxic.
We are made to care for each other. We are made to look out for each other. How are we supposed to survive if we don't? 

     Yes do look out for yourself, put yourself first in some situations. Otherwise we could grow to resent someone else because our own needs were not taken care of. Take care of your own problems and don't try to fix someone else's before taking care of yours so you can clearly see how to help them. But don't forever not help someone else out if you have something good to say or do for them. 

  This is a complicated topic. let me know if anything I said wasn't true. I should like to know. Take care. ~Laura Joy Schmidt~

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Jealousy and Mental Health.


Why is it important not to be jealous? It's a life-long question. One that I don't think many people answer on the internet. 
The internet encourages adults and young kids to be upset when someone pisses you off or steps on your toes or says something against your truth. I will tell you here and now that is a childish immature way to deal with anything. It's ok to feel it, but it is not ok to act out at people childishly ever. 
I will confess I am a mom. I act like a mom most of the time. But I have my moments. Boys are not worth it. Your life is worth you to take seriously. I wish I could just cure jealousy because it is truly bitterness to a person's bones. But I can't. Don't be afraid to be yourself. See your own good side. And flaunt it girfreind! Cause your worth it. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Artificial intelligence by Laura Joy Schmidt


  Artificial intelligence, or AI is fast overtaking the internet and the world. This is an image from an app that let me type in a sentence and it came up with an image. 

Elon Musk seems to say that it is dangerous for us to activate this new being because a computer can be smarter then us. At lest that's what he might have said in a video. But if you get from what I just said, I most likely misinterpreted what he said or had maybe the wrong feeling of what he said. Now take a being that misinterprets you who is generally smarter then you and they know it, but they won't budge from their case because they lack a moral compass of their own or, a conscience. Innocent people could end up in harms way. I tend to agree with Elon on that point. 

I do think however it is important and necessary to keep growing and learning things. The internet is a very good tool in education in my opinion. Heck we take our school tests on the internet or at least a computer sometimes. 

I would just warn you to be cautious. And remind you to keep learning about these things that we deal with. Don't became an old person who is completely out of it. Even if you are get back up and learn the skills necessary to deal with the technology we all use today. Know what you're signing up for. Be mindful of who, and what you take a picture of. We don't even need cameras now half time now. 

Just to reiterate that picture above is completely AI and my words typed into the system. Half of these words are spell checked. But hey...I'm still me and a computer will never be. Your girl Laura Joy!

Saturday, June 22, 2024


It's important to have forgiveness, for myself and for those around me. I'm dealing with a lot of people who don't understand the importance of keeping a promise. Lately I've been making a promise and I'm not able to keep it. It's hella embarrassing. But I tried. Even if it didn't work out I tried. That's what counts for me. The earth may pass and people fade away but I'm still here. My mind still works. 

It's a bit hard to trust in God when a promise that I've been told just doesn't come to be. And I have lost my faith in him many times. But he still put that rainbow there. He still made that promise that I'll prosper. That I will soar on wings as eagles. That I can ask him something and he wants to make it happen. He has his own timing though. He knows everything that happens and that can happen. He doesn't count you exempt if you aren't on a level with others. He wants you to make your own level. Sorry if this didn't quite flow. I hope you got something from this. Your girl Laura Joy!

Friday, June 21, 2024

 Hi it's your girl Laura Joy! 

Just thought I'd introduce myself. I am a single gal set on my career of being an interior designer. I have worked 2 kinds of jobs. 1 at a gas station and the other at a grocery store on 3 locations. Always working for minimum wage I have learned how hard life can get out there. I have 1 daughter. My little garden made with love. But right now I live in a psychiatric hospital in a separate home called a Hab House. Honestly i just think of it as my life is cool, not boring. 

I grew up in a little neighborhood in Cedar Rapids Iowa on Mansfeild AVE, on the South East side. We had a descent sized yard which in theory had used to be an Indian site given that my sister found two arrow heads in the dirt underneath our old oak tree. We had fun playing mud fights with our neighbors and having our mother give us 3 baths a day. Jumping into the neighbors pool to rescue cats in the fall, and making paint out of the red bud tree. I had a good childhood which I am thankful for. 

My hobbies are vast! But I really enjoy interior design. Just making a house a home is important for us all to do, sometimes we just need a friend to do it alongside us. that's why I think this job is important. 

I love singing, and dancing, and craft making, learning about life, making connections with people. I have a You Tube Channell called Laura Joy. I also have a playstation account with the username AlmondArrows. I have no friends currently. If you ever want to play with me just have a little patience I am still learning about it.

My birthday is June 23rd 1998. And I am turning 26 this year. Btw today is 06/21/2024. 

Well that's enough about myself. I hope I can bless and inspire you to keep on keeping on even when life gets tough. I'm here for you. Your girl Laura Joy! 

Selecting an outside table.

   Let me tell you. It was a hard decision. In total it cost us rounded to $500.00 to get both the table set and the chairs. The set was from Backyard Creations. It comes with a table that you have to assemble, 4 chairs, and an umbrella. We didn't like the chairs, so we got some from another set for $100.00 a piece. Honestly they look better with the chairs we bought for it. It feels bigger and more lux. But the table is nice. I just have to see how it holds up in the cold of winter. 

One thing I want to be careful of is the sun reflecting on the plants I set on it. Did you know a plant could get sunburnt? I found that out when researching aloe vera plants. And my concern with the glass table is that the plants could get to much sun. 

But all that worry aside I am happy with the purchase. I would like to continue to make good home choices for our house, and hopefully spend a little less money. 

One thing we have found out is that if you split the cost of big purchases with someone else it costs you less. We do that for things in the house that we share. Honestly it's better for my mentality to share the cost of things with the other people who use them. I think it's better for a home environment. 

THank you so much for listening. Your girl Laura Joy!

Mental Health and going to church.

           Going to Church. Going to church is important for me when I read the Bible. There are things in the Bible that make me go a bit c...