Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Artificial intelligence by Laura Joy Schmidt


  Artificial intelligence, or AI is fast overtaking the internet and the world. This is an image from an app that let me type in a sentence and it came up with an image. 

Elon Musk seems to say that it is dangerous for us to activate this new being because a computer can be smarter then us. At lest that's what he might have said in a video. But if you get from what I just said, I most likely misinterpreted what he said or had maybe the wrong feeling of what he said. Now take a being that misinterprets you who is generally smarter then you and they know it, but they won't budge from their case because they lack a moral compass of their own or, a conscience. Innocent people could end up in harms way. I tend to agree with Elon on that point. 

I do think however it is important and necessary to keep growing and learning things. The internet is a very good tool in education in my opinion. Heck we take our school tests on the internet or at least a computer sometimes. 

I would just warn you to be cautious. And remind you to keep learning about these things that we deal with. Don't became an old person who is completely out of it. Even if you are get back up and learn the skills necessary to deal with the technology we all use today. Know what you're signing up for. Be mindful of who, and what you take a picture of. We don't even need cameras now half time now. 

Just to reiterate that picture above is completely AI and my words typed into the system. Half of these words are spell checked. But hey...I'm still me and a computer will never be. Your girl Laura Joy!

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Artificial intelligence by Laura Joy Schmidt

    Artificial intelligence, or AI is fast overtaking the internet and the world. This is an image from an app that let me type in a sentenc...